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2023年08月09日 21:38 食品学院 侯俊财 13796820798 点击:[]

报告题目:My Journey Across East and West Research, Career and Life Experiences



报告地点:食品实验楼 315会议室



Dr. Zhongli Pan is an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, University of California, Davis, and CEO and Founder of AIVision Foods Inc.. He is Fellow of American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers and Fellow of Institute of Food Technologist.

As a world renowned scholar and leading expert in the field of food engineering, Dr. Pan will share his experience on research, career and life. Audience will also have an opportunity to chat with Dr. Pan and ask questions. We welcome everyone to join us in our incoming seminar to hear the story of Dr. Pan.


Dr. Zhongli Pan is an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, University of California, Davis, CEO and Founder of AIVision Food, Fellow of American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, and Fellow of Institute of Food Technologist. He has led many international cooperation activities and research projects through his academic and research career at the University of California, Davis and USDA-ARS. He is an internationally recognized leader and outstanding food engineer and scholar in the field of food and agricultural product processing engineering with more than 30 years of distinguished service in government, academia, and industry. He served as a Manager of Far East Tech Service of Archer Daniels Midland Co., Research Engineer for fifteen years in the Healthy Processed Foods Research Unit, Western Regional Research Center, Agricultural Research Service (ARS), U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), and Director of World Food Center – China Program of UC Davis. He has made significant contribution in the research and development of new food and agricultural processing and postharvest technologies for sustainably producing nutritious, healthy and safe foods. He authored more than 400 scientific publications and 3 books. Dr. Pan received multiple prestigious awards, including International Food Engineering Award – ASABE, Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers, Award for Outstanding Commercialization Success - Federal Laboratory Consortium (Far West), Technology Transfer Award – Pacific West Area, USDA-ARS, and IFT Research and Development Award, Chinese Government Friendship Award, The Most Influential Foreign Expert Award - State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs – China.

潘忠礼博士,美国生物与农业生物工程师学会(ASABE) Fellow和美国食品学会(IFT) Felllow, 现任职美国加利福尼亚大学戴维斯分校生物与农业工程系教授和AIVISION FOOD 公司总裁。曾任美国华美食品学会主席、美国海外华人农业、生物与食品工程师协会主席、美国农业与生物工程师学会基金会董事和加利福尼亚大学戴维斯分校世界食品中心中国项目主任。具有在大学、政府、世界五百强企业工作和创业的丰富经历。主要从事食品、农产品和相关副产物加工、储存与安全新技术、装备和新产品等方面的科学研究,开发及产业化等工作。发表文章400多篇,著作三部。其荣获多项大奖,包括美国青年科学家总统奖、美国农业部杰出青年科学家奖、美国联邦政府新技术产业化优秀奖 、美国农业部新技术产业化奖、美国农业与生物工程师学会国际食品工程师奖、美国食品学会研发奖、美国华美食品学会终身成就奖、美国海外华人农业、生物与食品工程师协会资深成就奖、及中国改革开放四十周年最具影响力的外国专家奖、中国政府友谊奖、江苏省五一劳动荣誉奖章和凤凰卫视世界因你而美丽-影响世界华人大奖等。


